Joshua Billiter
Doer of things
It started when Joshua was a freshman in high school. As soon as he began his first theater classes, he fell in love with the technological side of the business. This love affair continued throughout high school and, when it was time to consider colleges and universities, he was easily drawn to the College of Santa Fe that, by 2010, would soon transition to become Santa Fe University of Art and Design (SFUAD). And that is where Joshua’s deep connection to theater, specifically the Greer Garson Theater, would cement itself. It didn’t hurt that Joshua had the support of SFUAD professionals who served as inimitable mentors, including John Weckesser, of the performing arts department, renowned technical director, George Johnson.
It was in the college interview meeting, when Weckesser and Joshua agreed Joshua would pursue a lighting major, as Weckesser was impressed that, in high school, Josh helped pull off Night of the Living Dead on stage in full black and white theater. Working under Johnson and his technical guidance, Joshua assisted in many productions. He was hands-on in various aspects of project management, including stage crew and helping engineer and install the current sound system in the illustrious Greer Garson Theater.
Through the transition of upgrading the theater's technology--from the analog era to the digital era, Joshua has a keen understanding of how the two sides of technology merged into what it has become today. Throughout this upgrading process, Joshua worked closely with the SFUAD Information Technology Department on troubleshooting, streamlining and making critical decisions. It was then when the IT department asked if he would like to manage the project and support a student-based network that would serve as an ISP for students living on the SFUAD campus. Joshua took the offer and completed the project with great success and then accepted an IT support position at La Familia Medical Center in 2015. In August 2018, Joshua was promoted to La Familia's IT Director. He has now moved on to be the IT Director of Hinkle Shanor LLP here in Santa Fe, NM.